Tantárgy neve, kódja: Kompetencia mérés (bemeneti), GGEPBAN-KOMPMBEM-1
Szak neve, képzési szintje: Gépészmérnöki alapszak, BSc
Tanterv: 2021
Heti órászám (előadás + gyakorlat + labor): 0+0+1
Kreditérték: 0
Elmélet: 0 %
Gyakorlat: 100 %
A tantárgy tantervi helye: 1. félév
Munkarend: Nappali
Előtanulmányi feltételek: nincs
Értékelés: aláírás
Tantárgy besorolása:
Oktatás nyelve: Magyar
Tantárgyfelelős: Dr. Török Erika
Felelős tanszék: Informatika Tanszék
Tantárgy oktatója(i):
Ellenőrzésért felel:
Tárgy oktatásának célja:
To provide students starting a BSc course with personalised feedback on the development of some of the core competences they need to successfully complete their studies, through a series of assessment tests. A further aim is to make recommendations for individual development and improvement based on the results of the assessment. The assessment is carried out by means of an electronic test and a questionnaire on the university's computer network, at a time, place and schedule organised by each faculty.
To provide students starting a BSc course with personalised feedback on the development of some of the core competences they need to successfully complete their studies, through a series of assessment tests. A further aim is to make recommendations for individual development and improvement based on the results of the assessment. The assessment is carried out by means of an electronic test and a questionnaire on the university's computer network, at a time, place and schedule organised by each faculty.
Elsajátítandó ismeretanyag laboratórium:
Elsajátítandó szakmai kompetenciák (tudás, képesség, attitűd, autonómia és felelősség, további szakmai kompetenciák):
A számonkérés és értékelés rendszere:
Félévközi tanulmányi követelmények:
Organised and published by each faculty, 90 minutes per person, in the faculty computer labs, in person, completing the test with a real problem-solving activity. Failure to attend or to complete the test with a non-actual problem-solving activity may be made up once at a time arranged by the faculties.
Félévközi tanulmányi követelmények:
Organised and published by each faculty, 90 minutes per person, in the faculty computer labs, in person, completing the test with a real problem-solving activity. Failure to attend or to complete the test with a non-actual problem-solving activity may be made up once at a time arranged by the faculties.
Tanulmányi segédanyagok, laborháttér:
Kötelező irodalom:
Ajánlott irodalom: