Tantárgy neve, kódja: Web programming I, GERASMN-WEBPROG1-1

Szak neve, képzési szintje: Mérnökinformatikus alapszak, BSc
Tanterv: 2017
Heti órászám (előadás + gyakorlat + labor): 2+0+2
Kreditérték: 5
Elmélet: 50 %
Gyakorlat: 50 %
A tantárgy tantervi helye: 4. félév
Munkarend: Nappali
Előtanulmányi feltételek: Programozás I.
Értékelés: gyakorlati jegy
Tantárgy besorolása: Compulsory
Oktatás nyelve: Magyar
Tantárgyfelelős: Dr. Alvarez Gil Rafael Pedro
Felelős tanszék: Informatika Tanszék
Tantárgy oktatója(i): Dr. Subecz Zoltán
Ellenőrzésért felel: Dr. Subecz Zoltán
Tárgy oktatásának célja:
The objectives of the course are the introduction of the standards, methods and tools used in the development of web pages, as well as the client side and the server side web programming.
Elsajátítandó ismeretanyag előadás:

Elsajátítandó ismeretanyag laboratórium:

Elsajátítandó szakmai kompetenciák (tudás, képesség, attitűd, autonómia és felelősség, további szakmai kompetenciák):

- Able to develop applications, program client-server and WEB, mobile systems, create multiplatform systems. - Able to independently acquire deeper knowledge in a technical IT field based on the acquired basic knowledge, process the literature, and then solve IT problems related to the field. - Cooperates with computer scientists and electrical engineers during group work, and also with representatives of other fields of expertise when working out the requirements analysis and solution of the given problem. - Continuously educates himself and keeps up with the development of the IT profession.


- Knows the main programming paradigms, programming languages, and development tools. His knowledge covers the modeling of information systems, the development of database-based systems, the construction, operation and implementation of computer networks, the characteristics of intelligent systems, the specifics of mobile application development, the management of modern, general-purpose operating systems, and aspects of IT security. - Knows the important software development methodologies, the marking system of IT plans and documentation. - Knows the vocabulary and expressions of the IT and engineering professions in English, at least at a basic level.


- Open to new methods for learning programming languages ​​and procedures and mastering them at a skill level - Strives for efficient and quality work.

Autonómia és felelősség:

- Possesses professional knowledge, has a safety-conscious attitude, keeps potential dangers and attack opportunities in mind, and prepares to defend against them.

További szakmai kompetenciák:

A számonkérés és értékelés rendszere:
Félévközi tanulmányi követelmények:


Tanulmányi segédanyagok, laborháttér:

Kötelező irodalom:

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