Course title, code: Computer Networking Fundamentals, GAINBAN-HALOALAP-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+0+2
Credits: 5
Theory: 50 %
Practice: 50 %
Recommended semester: 1
Study mode: full-time
Prerequisites: -
Evaluation type: exam
Course category: compulsory
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Pásztor Attila
Responsible department: Department of Information Technologies
Instructor(s): Agg Péter András
Course objectives:
The aim of the course is for students to get to know the computer network systems and their economic characteristics used today. Know the structure of conventional networks, the basic principles, architectures and protocols of their operation, as well as small business procedures and their accompanying phenomena.
Course content - lectures:

1. The basic concepts of computer networks. The OSI reference model, TCP/IP. Elements of the network, end devices, transmission devices, network transmission media. 2. Physical, logical topology. Broadcast network. A network built from point-to-point connections, the concept of duplexity. Role of protocols. 3. Messages (encoding, formatting, embedding, size, timing). Protocol Data Units (PDU). Data transmission on a physical channel. Wired data transmission standards. 4. The two- and multi-port repeater. Optical fiber data transmission. Multiplexing of the physical channel (TDMA, FDMA, WDMA). The medium access (MAC) sublayer. 5. CSMA/CD, token-ring and token-bus are public access protocols. Services of the data link layer. IEEE 802.3 standard, using MAC addresses. The role, characteristics and commands of the switch. 6. Test. Tasks of the network layer. The datagram and virtual circuit based transmission system. Connecting subnets in OSI layer 3: characteristics, task, commands of the router. Default gateway. 7. The IP (v4) protocol: The structure and main information of the IP header. Structure of IP addresses. Address allocations. Network Subnetting (VLSM). The Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR). 8. Understanding DHCP. ARP and Inverse ARP protocol. Packet forwarding to remote subnet. 9. Application of the routing table. Table-based and table-less routing algorithms. RIP, RIP2, OSPF protocol. 10. The IPv6 addressing system. 11. Tasks and services of the transport layer. TCP and UDP protocol services and their operation. 12. Description of DNS (Domain Name System). Types of wireless networks. Wireless LAN standards. WLAN settings, security, VPN. Mobile network. 13. Test.

Course content - labs:

1. Accident prevention education. Network basics, network devices, types of networks. Types and types of networks. Internet connectivity (optical, microwave, mobile, satellite). OSI layer and related basic concepts 2. Physical deployments, cabling - UTP - straight and cross-connect, the role of PoE, connecting standards, coaxial cabling (digital TV), connecting IP cameras and Wifi APs. Description of rack cabinet (Units, shelves, hubs, organizer), installation methods, tools. Description and demonstration of optical cables. 3. Laboratory assembly exercise. Making UTP cables (using crimping pliers, cable tester). Wall socket, Patch panel wiring. 4. IP addresses. Number systems (2,16). IPv4 structure, types (private, public, APIPA). IPv4 address classes. Role of subnet mask. IPv6 structure, types, grouping. 5. IP address calculation exercise (IPv4 and IPv6 calculations). VLSM 6. Practical exam. 7. An Integrated Router configuration (TP-Link or Cisco Linksys simulation). How DHCP works, its options, the role of port forwarding, how Dynamic DNS works. Firewall rules, DMZ, Wireless communication (SSID, WPA2/PSK). 8. How wireless networks work (2.4GHz, 5 GHz), 802.11x standards, encryption (WEP, WPA2), authentication (Radius), enterprise Wifi systems (APs, Controllers). 9. Practical exercise in Packet Tracer - configuring connections, IP settings, device names (Router, Swich), IP addresses, Gateway operation, testing packets. Implement a home or small business network. 10. Creating a Virtual Network (VmWare Player), the role of subnets and masks in practice, the possibility of a Workgroup environment, ARP table, simple folder sharing, printer sharing. 11. A Routing algorithms (Dijsktra, Bellman -Ford) 12. Practical exam. 13. Full semester retake exam.

Acquired competences:

- His/her English language skills will be sufficient for the level of training, and to understand English-language literature, to process professional texts, to carry out professional tasks, as well as for continuous professional development. - Knowledge of the principles and methods of natural sciences (mathematics, physics, other natural sciences) relevant to the field of IT. - He/she knows the operations of hardware and software elements, the technology of their implementation, how to solve problems related to their operation and the possibilities of the interconnection of IT and other technical systems. - He/she posesses a basic knowledge and engineering approach to signal processing, modelling, simulation and control of systems and networks. - He/she knows the main programming paradigms, programming languages, development tools. His/her knowledge covers the modelling of IT systems, creation of database based systems, as well as the structure, operation and implementation of computer networks. His/her knowledge covers the characteristics of intelligent systems, the specificity of mobile application development, the management of state-of-the art general purpose operating systems, as well as the aspects of IT security. - He/she has basic data security skills. - He knows the vocabulary and special terms of the engineering profession in the Hungarian and English languages at least on the basic level.


- He/she uses the principles and methods of natural sciences (mathematics, physics, other natural sciences) relevant to the field of information technology in his/her engineering work for the design of information systems. - Using the knowledge gained from his/her studies, he/she will be able to install and configure computer and telecommunications networks, troubleshoot network faults, operate and upgrade networks. He/she can apply his/her knowledge acquired during his/her study to acquire deeper knowledge in the field of information engineering and to process special literature and solve problems related to information technology. - He/she is able to fulfill analytical, specification, planning, development and operation tasks, in addition, he/she applies the development methodology, debugging, testing and quality assurance methods in his/her field. - He/she cooperates with other computer science engineers, electrical engineers during team work, and with other experts during the analysis and solution of a problems. - He/she can communicate in Hungarian and in English about professional issues, he/she uses the terms of information technology in a creative way. - He/she constantly improves his/her knowledge and keeps up with the development of the computer engineering profession.


- He/she genuinely represents the professional principles of engineering and information technology fields. - He/she aims to see through the entire engineering system not only his/her own field. - He/she is open to acquire new methods, programming languages and develop skills to use them. - He/she is open to get to know other fields which employ information technology tools, and open to work out information technology soultions in cooperation with the experts of other areas. - He/she makes decisions with full respect for the law and ethical standards in decision-making situations requiring a complex approach. - He/she makes an effort to work efficiently and to high standards. - He/she keeps in mind and ensures the security of his/her employees' and customers' data and information.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

- He/she feels responsible for IT systems analysis, development and operation, both individually and as part of a team. - He/she reveals the weaknesses of the technologies applied, risks of processes and initiates measures which reduce them. - He/she has a security-conscious attitude in posession of his/her professional knowledge, and is aware of potential threats and opportunities for attack, as well as is prepared to prevent them.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
During the semester, will be 4 assignments. 2 theoretical and 2 practical. Papers can have a maximum of 25 points. The condition for admission to the exam is that the student achieves 50% of the points for both the theoretical and the practical closed-room thesis (minimum 25 points theory and minimum 25 points practical). The condition of signing is also the processing of 4 Moodle course materials (2 theory, 2 lab) and successful completion of the tests included in it (minimum 60%). Those who pass the tests with a score of over 80% will receive 10 extra points for both theory and practice points. The lecturer of the subject will inform you of the location and time of the closed papers in the first week of the semester.
Exam requirements:

The exam consists of an oral part. The item drawn from the previously specified item line must be reported. 50 percent must be achieved during the answer.

Study aids, laboratory background:

The recommended literature, lecture outline. During the exercises, all students are provided with separate, modern computer access. Internet resources are available in the computer service room reserved for students.

Compulsory readings:

[1] Rick C. Worley: Computer Networking Bible: [3 in 1] The Complete Crash Course to Effectively Design, Implement and Manage Networks. Including Sections on Security, Performance and Scalability, Independently published, September 26, 2023, ISBN-13: 979-8862073102 [2] Hazim Gaber: Understanding Computer Networks, Independently published HSM Press, April 19, 2020 ISBN-13:‎ 979-8638571801 [3] Peter L Dordal: An Introduction to Computer Networks – Second Edition, Jul 20, 2023 [4] - Computer Networking Fundamentals I. (RRF); Computer Networking Fundamentals II. (RRF); Computer Networking Fundamentals Lab1 (RRF); Computer Networking Fundamentals Lab2 (RRF)

Recommended readings:

A. S. Tanenbaum: Computer-Networks-5th-Edition, 2011 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-212695-3.