Course title, code: Thesis, GAINBAN-SZAKDOLG-2

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 0+0+1
Credits: 15
Theory: %
Practice: 100 %
Recommended semester: 7
Study mode: full-time
Prerequisites: 170 cr
Evaluation type: signature
Course category: compulsory
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Pap-Szigeti Róbert
Responsible department: Department of Information Technologies
Course objectives:
In the thesis, a practical engineering problem must be solved. The problem is specified on the thesis task sheet, and it is matching the goal of the training and specialization. The student works under the guidance of a consultant from the department. Another consultant from the company issuing the topic can also help with the solving problem.
Course content - labs:

By solving the thesis problem, the student proves that she/he is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to professionally summarize her/his results, to creatively solve the tasks within her/his scope, and to carry out independent professional work.

Acquired competences:

- His/her English language skills will be sufficient for the level of training, and to understand English-language literature, to process professional texts, to carry out professional tasks, as well as for continuous professional development. - Knowledge of the principles and methods of natural sciences (mathematics, physics, other natural sciences) relevant to the field of IT. - He/she knows the main programming paradigms, programming languages, development tools. His/her knowledge covers the modelling of IT systems, creation of database based systems, as well as the structure, operation and implementation of computer networks. His/her knowledge covers the characteristics of intelligent systems, the specificity of mobile application development, the management of state-of-the art general purpose operating systems, as well as the aspects of IT security. - He/she is familiar with the important software development methodologies, and the notation systems for IT designs and documentation. - He knows the vocabulary and special terms of the engineering profession in the Hungarian and English languages at least on the basic level.


He/she can apply his/her knowledge acquired during his/her study to acquire deeper knowledge in the field of information engineering and to process special literature and solve problems related to information technology. - He/she is able to fulfill analytical, specification, planning, development and operation tasks, in addition, he/she applies the development methodology, debugging, testing and quality assurance methods in his/her field. - He/she constantly improves his/her knowledge and keeps up with the development of the computer engineering profession.


- He/she genuinely represents the professional principles of engineering and information technology fields. - He/she understands and embraces the ethical principles and legal implications of his/her profession. - He/she makes an effort to work efficiently and to high standards.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

- He/she reveals the weaknesses of the technologies applied, risks of processes and initiates measures which reduce them.

Additional professional competences:

- Efficient use of digital technology, knowledge of digital solutions to fulfill educational objectives - Knowledge of the labour market consequences of structural changes of digitalisation and automation in production, supply chain, and in the organisation of production processes

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
Systematic consultation with consultants. Continuous, documented solution of the thesis problem. The students must submit a thesis of the required extent, structure and design by the deadline to the department issuing the thesis topic. For the acceptance the students have to submit they thesis or a 25-page essay related to the topic of the thesis. In the second case, the acceptance can be given if the consultant from the department has accepted the essay.
Exam requirements:

Study aids, laboratory background:

Compulsory readings:

Relevant, up-to-date literature related to the topic of thesis.

Recommended readings: