Course title, code: Industrial Robotics 1, GAINBAN-ROBOTTE1-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+0+2
Credits: 5
Theory: 50 %
Practice: 50 %
Recommended semester: 5
Study mode: full-time
Prerequisites: Calculus 1 + 100 cr
Evaluation type: term mark
Course category: required optional
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Kósa János Árpád
Responsible department: Department of Information Technologies
Instructor(s): Kátai-Urbán Gábor
Course objectives:
Students learn the basics of industrial robotics. It will give an insight into the geometric modelling and drive systems of robots. Students learn the basics of PLC controls.
Course content - lectures:

1. Definition of robots, manipulators, classification of robots, types of industrial robots. Robot mechanisms, robot control methods. 2. DENAVIT-HARTENBERG representation, description of the mechanical structure of industrial robots and their homogeneous geometric transformation. 3. TCP and FRAME, concepts, interpretation and transformation. 4. Path planning. 5. Types of pneumatic, hydraulic and electric actuators, their application in power transmission. 6. Basics pronciples of electric motors 7. Types of electric motors. 8. Principles and operations of DC motors. 9. Principles and operation of AC motors. 10. Theory of electric motor control. 11. Application of electric motors in robotics. 12. Basics of PLCs and modules. 13. Programming PLCs, examples.

Course content - labs:

1. Define coordinate systems. 2. Elementary geometric transformations. 3. Path planning of a two-degree-of-freedom robot model. 4. Basics of PLC and robot programming. 5. PLC and robot programming methods. 6. PLC and robot programming examples. 7. DefiIning individual student tasks. 8. Solving the defined programming tasks, consultation 9. Solving the defined programming tasks, consultation 10. Solving the defined programming tasks, consultation 11. Solving the defined programming tasks, consultation 12. Solving the defined programming tasks, consultation 13. Presentation of the results

Acquired competences:

- He/she is familiar with the important software development methodologies, and the notation systems for IT designs and documentation. - He knows the vocabulary and special terms of the engineering profession in the Hungarian and English languages at least on the basic level.


- He/she is able to fulfill analytical, specification, planning, development and operation tasks, in addition, he/she applies the development methodology, debugging, testing and quality assurance methods in his/her field.


- He/she is open to get to know other fields which employ information technology tools, and open to work out information technology soultions in cooperation with the experts of other areas.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

- He/she feels responsible for IT systems analysis, development and operation, both individually and as part of a team. - He/she has a security-conscious attitude in posession of his/her professional knowledge, and is aware of potential threats and opportunities for attack, as well as is prepared to prevent them.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
Written tests (2*20 ponts) and presentation of a given topic (20 points). The schedule of tests and presentation announced in the first lesson. Attending laboratory exercises. During the laboratory students must prepare, submit and present the tasks determined by the laboratory leader (40 points). Solving a practical problem in writing and oral exam related to theory.
Exam requirements:

Study aids, laboratory background:

PLC workstation to carry out the programming tasks of the lab work. Two ABB robot workstations and 16 ABB Robot Studio Development Environments.

Compulsory readings:

Isak Karabegović and Lejla Banjanović-Mehmedović: Industrial Robots: Design, Applications and Technology, NOVA publishers, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-53617-779-4

Recommended readings:

Bruno S., Oussama K.: Springer handbook of robotics, Springer. 2008. ISBN: 978-3540239574 A.K. Gupta, S.K. Arora and Jean Riescher Westcott: Industrial Automation and Robotics, Mercury Learning and Information LLC, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-938549-30-4. ( Mark R. Miller and Rex Miller: Robots and Robotics: Principles, Systems, and Industrial Applications, 1st Edition, McGraw-Hill Educationm 2017, ISBN: 9781259859786. Michal Gurgul: Industrial robots and cobots: Everything you need to know about your future co-worker, ISBN: ‎8395251319