Course title, code: Materials Engineering, GAJABAN-ANYAGISM-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2023
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+0+1
Credits: 4
Theory: 67 %
Practice: 33 %
Recommended semester: 1
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Berczeli Miklós
Instructor(s): Johanyák Edit
Course objectives:
The purpose of the Materials Engineering course is to enable students to understand the internal structure of metallic materials how this influences it’s most important properties, and the methods that we can use to influence these properties to set the most appropriate values for use, and to make material selections for engineering parts.
Course content - lectures:

Introduction: materials, their structures and properties. Mechanical testing: tensile testing of metals. Hardness testing of materials (Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell). Impact testing. Fatigue. Crystal structures of metals. Lattice imperfections. Iron – carbon alloy system. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium microstructure. Determination of phases and microstructures. Microscopy. Structural steels. Tool steels, steels for special applications. Cast irons. Nonferrous metals. The effect of cold forming on mechanical properties of metals. Heat treatment technologies. Effect of heat treatment on steel properties. Ceramics. Production of ceramic materials, properties and field of application. Materials selection: case studies.

Course content - labs:

Introduction: materials, their structures and properties. Mechanical testing: tensile testing of metals. Hardness testing of materials (Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell). Impact testing. Fatigue. Crystal structures of metals. Lattice imperfections. Iron – carbon alloy system. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium microstructure. Determination of phases and microstructures. Microscopy. Structural steels. Tool steels, steels for special applications. Cast irons. Nonferrous metals. The effect of cold forming on mechanical properties of metals. Heat treatment technologies. Effect of heat treatment on steel properties. Ceramics. Production of ceramic materials, properties and field of application. Materials selection: case studies.

Acquired competences:

Students acquire the conceptual system of material knowledge, the most important relationships and theories, are able to apply the terminology and theories of the technical field in the execution of related tasks.



Autonomy and responsibilities:

Additional professional competences:

Through the use of this acquired technical knowledge, they seek out the most thorough knowledge of the observable phenomena and explain the laws. They are responsible for and represent the value system of the profession of engineering, openly accept professionally substantiated critical remarks.

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
During the semester students should attend lectures and perform laboratory measurements and peresent one assignment in material selection to minimum 50%.
Exam requirements:

Final evaluation: written examination.

Study aids, laboratory background:

Lesson Plans, Lecture Notes, Laboratory Equipments, Testing Materials.

Compulsory readings:

Recommended readings:

1. Properties and Selection of Metals, Metals Handbook vol. 2, 1990. 2. Heat Treating, Metals Handbook vol. 4, 1991, ISBN 0-87170-010-7 3. James, F. Shackelford: Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005, ISBN 0-13-127619-0 4. Nestor Perez: Materials Science: Theory and Engineering, Springer ebook, 2023: