Course title, code: Physics , GAGEBAN-FIZIKA__-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+2+0
Credits: 5
Theory: 50 %
Practice: 50 %
Recommended semester: 1
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Nagy Péter
Responsible department: Department of Basic Sciences
Instructor(s): Dr. Nagy Péter
Course objectives:
Comprehensive, almost complete processing of the curriculum of the subject of high school physics, solution of basic physics problems and problems without higher mathematical knowledge, description and mastering of solution methods. Physical foundation of technical expertise.
Course content - lectures:

Physical quantity; measure, unit of measure. The SI system of units. Ratio and level value. Quantities describing the motion of a point of mass. Movement along a line. Plane movements I. Plane movements II. Newton's axioms. Newton's law of gravity. Applications of the basic equation of dynamics I. Applications of the basic equation of dynamics II. Work, energy. Work. Theorem of conservation of mechanical energy. Dynamics of the point system. Internal and external forces. Impulse theorem, center of gravity theorem. Collisions. Hydrostatics. Hydrostatic pressure, the law of Pascal and Archimedes. Changes in the state of ideal gases. Interpretation of pressure based on kinetic gas theory. Absolute temperature concept. Equation of conditions for ideal gases, gas laws. The concept of heat and temperature, temperature scales. Thermal expansion of solids and liquids. Temperature dependence of density. Changes in the state of gases. Heat capacity, specific heat.

Course content - seminars:

Acquiring the skills and methods necessary to solve the calculation tasks and practical problems related to the knowledge material discussed at the lecture, practicing them at the skill level.

Acquired competences:

He/she is familiar with the general and specific physical principles, rules, relations and procedures necessary for the operation of the technical field, is able to formulate them mathematically and apply them to solve concrete problems, aiming at efficient and quality work.



Autonomy and responsibilities:

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
Students will write 20-40 minutes papers, each with a 20-40 points at a pre-announced time 3 times during the semester, containing theoretical questions and calculation tasks. There is no possibility to replace or correct the papers. The practice leader can also give points for class performance. You will be able to earn at least 100 points in total during the semester. Students who have not been able to score a threshold score of at least 40 points (required for admission to the exam) by the penultimate internship may write a 45-point corrective test from the entire semester for the last lesson, lasting 45 minutes.
Exam requirements:

A student (enrolled in a full-time course) who has achieved a total of at least 40 points by the time of the semester or at least 40 points for the corrective test written may be admitted to the exam. The exam is written and lasts 100 minutes. It consists of the examination of the curriculum and the solution of the tasks given in the lectures or for the individual processing. Only the published collection of formulas and pocket calculator can be used when writing the exam and writing the dissertations. The maximum score of the exam paper is 100 points. In the case of students who have taken the subject for full enrollment and have not written the corrective test, the part of the points collected during the semester above the threshold score (40) will be added to the score of the examination paper. In the case of students who only take the subject for the exam or have written the corrective test, no extra points can be added to the score of the exam paper. Determination of the exam grade: in accordance with the current study regulations.

Study aids, laboratory background:

Downloadable resources.

Compulsory readings:

P. P. Urone, R. Hinrichs: College Physics, OpenStax, Rice University, 2012., ISBN 1-938168-00-3 (web:

Recommended readings:

Walker: Fundamentals of Physics, 8th Edition, Wiley, 2007., ISBN 0471758019