Course title, code: Production Technology II., GAGEBAN-GEPGYAR2-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+0+2
Credits: 3
Theory: 50 %
Practice: 50 %
Recommended semester: 5
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: term mark
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Kovács Zsolt Ferenc
Instructor(s): Dr. Kovács Zsolt Ferenc , Kónya Gábor
Course objectives:
The aim of the course Manufacturing II. is to acquisition of knowledge for the students the related to the state-of-the-art mechanical engineering technologies.
Course content - lectures:

Threading procedures Gear manufacturing Honing, coating, polishing Water jet machining Ultrasonic machining Ball and roller burnishing Deburring technologies EDM Laser, ion and electron beam machining Environmentally friendly cooling and lubrication

Course content - labs:

Acquired competences:

- Have a comprehensive knowledge of the basic facts, directions and limits of the subject area of engineering. - Knowledge of the general and specific mechanical principles, rules, contexts and procedures necessary for the operation of the field of engineering. - Knowledge of the terminology, the most important relationships and theories related to the field. - Comprehensive knowledge of the main theories and problem-solving methods in the field.


- The student will be able to apply progressive machining processes under operating conditions.


- He/She is open to learning about, adopting and authentically communicating professional, technological development and innovation in the field of engineering. - He/She strives to make self-learning a means to achieve its professional goals. - Strives to solve problems, preferably in cooperation with others. - He/she shall strive to make his/her self-learning in mechanical engineering continuous and consistent with his/her professional goals. - He/she strives to solve problems and make management decisions by listening to the opinions of his/her colleagues, preferably in cooperation. - Have the stamina and tolerance of monotony required to carry out practical activities.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

- In unexpected decision situations, he/she independently thinks through and develops comprehensive, substantiating professional questions on the basis of given sources. - Responsibly upholds and represents the values of the engineering profession and is open to professionally informed critical comment. - In the performance of his/her professional duties, he/she will cooperate with qualified professionals from other disciplines (primarily technical, economic and legal). - Identify shortcomings in the technologies used, process risks and take the initiative to mitigate them. - He/she is responsible for the consequences of his/her technical analyses, the proposals he/she makes and the decisions he/she takes.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
During the semester, one final examination will be written, which can be corrected or made up once. A satisfactory result in the final examination is a prerequisite for obtaining a satisfactory mid-semester grade. The mid-term mark is the final examination mark.
Exam requirements:

Study aids, laboratory background:

Practical aids uploaded to Teams.

Compulsory readings:

Kapil Gupta, Alokesh Pramanik (2021): Advanced Machining and Finishing, A volume in Handbooks in Advanced Manufacturing, ISBN: 9780128174531

Recommended readings:

Károly Jármai, Betti Bolló: Vehicle and Automotive Engineering, Proceedings of the JK2016, Miskolc, Hungary, ISBN: 978-3-319-51189-4