Course title, code: Heat Measurement, GAGEBAN-HOTAN___-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+2+0
Credits: 4
Theory: 50 %
Practice: 50 %
Recommended semester: 2
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Görbe Mihály
Responsible department: Department of Basic Sciences
Instructor(s): Dr. Görbe Mihály
Course objectives:
Familiarization with the thermal phenomena occurring in technology and the machines that use them.
Course content - lectures:

Summarization of preliminary knowledge in thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems, interfaces, reversibility of processes. Work, heat, internal energy. The first law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems. Enthalpy. Thermal processes in perfect gases. Gas mixtures. Real gases. Changes of aggregate state, liquids, vapours. Humid air. The Second Law. Entropy and the heat diagram. Cyclic processes. Heat engines, thermal efficiency. The heat pumps, coefficients of performance. Cycles in internal combustion heat engines: Otto, Diesel, Stirling, Brayton, Rankine and heat pump cycles. Phenomena of heat transfer, heat flow, thermal resistance. Heat conduction. Thermal conductivity of layered wall and thick wall tube. Heat convection. Heat radiation. Newton's law of cooling.

Course content - seminars:

Summarization of preliminary knowledge in thermodynamics. Thermodynamic systems, interfaces, reversibility of processes. Work, heat, internal energy. The first law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems. Enthalpy. Thermal processes in perfect gases. Gas mixtures. Real gases. Changes of aggregate state, liquids, vapours. Humid air. The Second Law. Entropy and the heat diagram. Cyclic processes. Heat engines, thermal efficiency. The heat pumps, coefficients of performance. Cycles in internal combustion heat engines: Otto, Diesel, Stirling, Brayton, Rankine and heat pump cycles. Phenomena of heat transfer, heat flow, thermal resistance. Heat conduction. Thermal conductivity of layered wall and thick wall tube. Heat convection. Heat radiation. Newton's law of cooling.

Acquired competences:

Comprehensive knowledge of the basic facts, directions and limits of the subject area of the technical discipline. Knowledge of the general and specific mathematical, natural and social science principles, rules, interrelationships and procedures necessary for the operation of the technical discipline. Comprehensive knowledge of the operating principles and structural units of the applied working and power machines, mechanical equipment and tools.


He/she is familiar with the measuring procedures used in mechanical engineering, their instruments, instruments and measuring equipment.He/she is able to analyse the disciplines forming the knowledge system of the technical field at a basic level, to formulate the relationships synthetically and to carry out adequate evaluative activities.Ability to identify routine technical problems, to explore, formulate and solve them (using standard operations in practice).Ability to construct basic models of technical systems and processes.


Open to understanding, accepting and authentically communicating professional and technological developments and innovations in the field of engineering.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

Applying the technical knowledge acquired, striving to gain a thorough understanding of observable phenomena, to describe and explain their laws.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
Four short tests will be written at the lectures. Only writing utensils and pocket calculators not suitable for storing and/or transferring textual and/or image information may be used for writing the short tests. The tests will take 25 minutes and will be worth 25 points. These tests may be fulfilled later only with a medical certificate. The medical certificate must be presented and the negotiation on the replacement test must begin no later than one week after recovery. Admission to the examination (Article 11 of the Exam Rules): a total score of 50 or more at the start of the examination period.
Exam requirements:

Depending on the evolution of the emergency situation and the decisions/recommendations of the faculty committee for method of assessment, changes may be possible in this point. The exam is written, lasts 90 minutes and is worth 100 points. It may contain questions regarding the material presented in the lectures and the material given for individual work, and regarding the exercise lessons, including theoretical questions and calculation problems requiring textual descriptions, drawings. Preparation for the theoretical part is aided by the examination thematics, which is published at the end of the semester. The following may be used in the examination: writing utensils, pocket calculators not suitable for storing and/or transferring textual and/or image information and a handwritten (not photocopied or printed) one-sided A5 format sheet of formulae written in blue pen. Half of the points above 50 obtained during the period of study will be added to the examination score. The examination mark will be determined in accordance with the table in § 11(2) of the Exam Rules.

Study aids, laboratory background:

Video explanations regarding the parts of the material assigned for individual work. Documents, slides, tables published on Teams and/or Neptun Meet Street.

Compulsory readings:

Hudson–Nelson: University Physics, Saunders College Publishing, 1990 Eastop–McConkey: Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists. Longman, Singapore Cengel–Boles: Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach, McGraw-Hill Education, 2018

Recommended readings:

Schmidt–Ezekoye–Howell–Baker: Thermodynamics: an Integrated Learning System, Wiley, 2004