Course title, code: Control engineering, GAGEBAN-SZABTECH-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+1+0
Credits: 3
Theory: 67 %
Practice: 33 %
Recommended semester: 3
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Kovács Lóránt
Responsible department: Department of Information Technologies
Course objectives:
The objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic principles of control engineering.
Course content - lectures:

1 Introduction to control engineering 2 System theory: analysis of dynamic systems by differential equation 3. Analysis of dynamic systems by convolution 4 Introduction to frequency domain analysis of dynamic systems, frequency function 5 Most frequently used system models and their freqoency function 6. Bode-diagram of the most frequently used frequency functions 7. Fourier series expansion and transformation to analyze systems with periodic and finite energy input 8. Laplace transform and its application for calculating the impulse response function 9. Stability of open-loop and feedback loop systems 10 Steady state and dynamic error in feddback systems 11. P-controllers and simulations of P-controlled systems 12. PI, PDloop controls and simulations 13. PID loops control systems and simulation 14. Summary

Course content - seminars:

1 Analysis of sinusoid, and exponential functions 2. Calculations with complex numbers: the four basic operations and the Euler formula 3. The basic concepts of control engineering, modes of description, and the interpretation of block diagrams. 4. Logarithmic scales and decibels 5. Complex representation of sinusoid function and the complex exponential function 6. Depiction of frequency functions on Bode-diagram 7. Decomposition of multiterm transfer functions and depiction of the associated frequency function in Bode-diagram 8. Calculation of the impulse response and step response function using Laplace transform. The partial fraction expansion technique. 9. Plotting pole-zero maps, calculation of zeros and poles of the transfer function 10. Stability analysis examples. 11. Calculation of the setady state error of negative feedback loops 12. Calculation of the stability of P-controlled systems 13 Simulations of PI, PD and PID loops.

Acquired competences:

Students will aquire competencies in the field of basics of system theory. They are able to analyse systems in the time-, frequency- and Laplace-domain. They are getting experience in control system design criteria and practical knowledge how can be these criteria satisfied by standard design staregies. Students are able to design and analyze P, PI, PD and PID loops.


The student is familiar with the technical terms related to control engineering. The student is capable of analyzing control systems based on fundamental principles. They are able to independently acquire deeper knowledge based on the basic knowledge obtained, to process the literature, and then to relate to the area.


Open to learning about and accepting ongoing professional and technological developments and innovations in the technical field, and reliably conveying them. Strives to make self-education one of the tools for achieving professional goals. In complex or unexpected decision-making situations, makes decisions while fully considering laws and ethical standards.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

Identifies the shortcomings of applied technologies, the risks of processes, and initiates actions to mitigate these. Monitors legislative, technical, technological, and administrative changes related to the field.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
Continuous learning of the basic concepts and ongoing processing of the material.
Exam requirements:

The exam is written, and preparation can be based on the issued list of topics and sample problems. The calculation of the colloquium grade is done according to the Academic and Examination Regulations: 0–49 points: 1, 50–65 points: 2, 66–79 points: 3, 80–89 points: 4, from 90 points: 5.

Study aids, laboratory background:


Compulsory readings:

[1] Madarász László: Irányítástechnika. Analóg irányításelmélet. H-247 [2] Madarász László: Irányítástechnika példatár. Analóg ismeretek. H-220 [3] Dr. Csík Norbert: APPENDIX az analóg irányítástechnikához, Neptun, elektronikus segédanyag, 2020 [4] Csáki F.: Szabályozások dinamikája. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1966.

Recommended readings:

[1] Vágó I.: Irányításelmélet. Kecskeméti Főiskola GAMF Kar, H-247. [2] Vágó I.: Irányítástechnika példatár. Kecskeméti Főiskola GAMF Kar, H-305.) [3] Nagyné Cséky Zs: Gyakorlati szabályozástechnika példatár. Kecskeméti Főiskola GAMF Kar, H-402