Course title, code: Technical Physical Laboratory, GAGEBAN-MUSZAFIL-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 0+0+2
Credits: 2
Theory: 0 %
Practice: 100 %
Recommended semester: 4
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: term mark
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Görbe Mihály
Responsible department: Department of Basic Sciences
Instructor(s): Jusztin Mária Zsuzsanna
Course objectives:
The aim of the subject is to deepen the students' acquired physical knowledge during measurements, and to be able to evaluate basic mechanical, thermal, flow and optical measurements executed using IT tools and manually as well.
Course content - labs:

The actual experiments can change any time for technical reasons! 1. Accident and fire prevention training. Processing and documentation of measurement data. Error calculation. 2. Measurement of spring stiffness 3. Measurement of density 4. The Boyle-Mariotte law 5. Measurement of heat expansion 6. Measurement of specific heat capacity 7. Measurement of standing waves 8. Measurement of focal length 9. Measurement of volumetric flow rate 10. Measurement of coefficient of performance in a heat pump 11. Measurement of the specific charge of electron 12. Retake week 13. Test writing

Acquired competences:

Effective use of digital technology Knowledge of digital solutions to achieve learning objectives. Knowledge of the general and specific principles, rules, contexts and procedures of science, technology, management and organisation required for the operation of the technical field.


Ability to apply the general and specific scientific, technical, management and organisational principles, rules, contexts and procedures acquired in solving routine tasks in the field of engineering. Ability to manage information. Ability to understand and process technical and economic documentation. Ability to apply in practice the regulations and requirements in the fields of occupational health and safety, fire protection and safety engineering related to his/her area of specialisation. Open to general and specific knowledge of the technical field.


Cooperative, interpersonal and communication skills.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

Has a realistic appreciation of the results of his/her own work.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
Students must be prepared for the laboratory exercises based on the published syllabuses and the first part of the measurement protocol (personal data, principle of measurement, etc.) must be prepared in advance. The measurement protocol must be submitted at the end of the class. The total score available for all protocols is 60 points. In the last class, the students write a 30-minute test based on the material of the measurements, for which a maximum of 40 points can be obtained. The test can only be supplemented with a medical certificate. The grade is given in accordance with the table according to Exam Rules § 11 (2) from the total score at the end of the semester. Students are responsible (including financial responsibility) for all damages caused by them in lab equipment!
Exam requirements:

A jegyzőkönyvekre kapható pontok: 0 - 8 pont. Az utolsó gyakorlaton a mérések anyagából 25 perces kisdolgozatot írnak a hallgatók, amelyre max. 20 pont kapható. (A kisdolgozat nem pótolható.) A félévi érdemjegyet a TVSZ-ben található pontozási táblázat alapján állapítjuk meg. Távoktatásra való áttérés esetén a számonkérésben változás lehet.

Study aids, laboratory background:

Compulsory readings:

Documentation and measurement instructions of student laboratory exercises

Recommended readings: