Course title, code: General Mechanics , GAGEBAN-ALGEPTAN-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+1+0
Credits: 4
Theory: 67 %
Practice: 33 %
Recommended semester: 2
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Tóth László
Instructor(s): Dr. Tóth László
Course objectives:
The students will learn the basic theoretical and practical methods required in machine design, the methodology and documentation of machine measurement with the help of a machine, the operation of machines with the help of some concrete application examples.
Course content - lectures:

1. The concept of a machine, their classification. Uniform operation of the machine. 2. Physical quantities and their relationships. 3. Concepts of mechanical work, power, efficiency. Task (hand winch). 4. Friction and rolling resistance. 5. Modification and transmission of mechanical work (stationary and moving pulley). 6. Friction and gear drive, belt drive. Task (friction on slope). 7. Belt drive. Compression coil spring. Task (belt drive, gear drive). 8. Operation of the machine at a uniformly variable speed. Basic knowledge of transmission. Hydrostatics, pressure measurement. Task (U-pipe, hydraulic power converter). 9. Mechanics of fluids (steady flow in a pipe for an ideal fluid, law of continuity, Bernoulli's equation). 10. Momentum theorem. Stationary flow in a pipe for viscous fluid. Task. 11. Basic knowledge of thermodynamics (basic concepts, heat conduction, convection, heat transfer). 12. Flow machines (pumps, fans). 13. Caloric machines (domestic refrigerators).

Course content - seminars:

1. Physical quantities and their relationships. 2. Task - hand winch. 3. Task - electrical winch. 4. Friction and rolling resistance. 5. Task stationary and moving pulley 6. Task friction on slope 7. Task belt drive, gear drive 8. Task (U-pipe, hydraulic power converter). 9. Task for stationary flow in a pipe for ideal fluid. 10. Task for stationary flow in a pipe for viscous fluid. 11. Taks- for heat conduction, 12. Tasks for heat convection, 13. Tasks for heat transfer 1

Acquired competences:

On the basis of the knowledge acquired, students are able to work independently to solve simple construction and machine operation tasks encountered in engineering practice. They are able to continue their studies in the field of machine components and thermal and electrical machines. Consistent teaching and assessment methods help them to assume professional responsibility, to recognise the importance of continuous learning and to acquire the knowledge necessary to master the subject individually.



Autonomy and responsibilities:

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
During the semester, the level of knowledge acquired is checked by writing 2 exams of 50-50 points.If the scores of the exams do not reach 50% of the maximum score, you will be given the opportunity to write 1 100-point supplementary exam. Pass mark: at least 50% of the marks in the final examination papers and at least 50 points in the make-up examination.
Exam requirements:

The exam consists of a written and an oral part. For the written part of the examination, the results of the written examination papers or supplementary examination papers written during the semester of the course will be accepted upon request. In the oral examination, one mark may be added to the written result. Candidates who only sit an examination will be assessed on the basis of an oral examination if they achieve a maximum of a medium mark, otherwise a written examination will be required. In the oral test, a pass mark is awarded for each major part of the material.

Study aids, laboratory background:

Written materials posted on Neptun Meet Street, Teams and models used in classrooms.

Compulsory readings:

1. Kovács A.: Általános géptan. BME, jegyzet (40887). 2. Pattanttyús Á. Géza: A gépek üzemtana. Bp. MK., l983. (14., lényegesen átdolgozott kiadás). 3. Lajos T.: Az áramlástan alapjai. Bp. Műegyetemi Kiadó 2004

Recommended readings: