Course title, code: Foreign Language, GAGEBAN-IDNEMET2-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 0+2+0
Credits: 3
Theory: 0 %
Practice: 100 %
Recommended semester: 3
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: term mark
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Sági Norberta
Instructor(s): , Dominekné Nagyhegyesi Mónika
Course objectives:
Acquisition of the special vocabulary in engineering on intermediate level. This course develops a specialist vocabulary, and it also improves general language skills which are prepares the students for working in an international environment. Besides discussing the latest developments in engineering. This course contains topics connected to finding a job in the engineering sector, prepares for job interviews, teaches negotiating strategies which enable the students to become successful in corporate environment.
Course content - seminars:

Werkzeuge und Vorrichtungen, Messwerkzeuge, Maschinenelemente, Unlösbare Verbindungselemente, Lösbare Verbindungselemente, Übertragungselemente, Wärmebehandlung, Korrosionschutz Speaking skills: using vocabulary in almost all work-related situations Public speaking – develop language skills acceptable for everyday professional use. Reading skills: comprehension of articles on diverse engineering topics analyzing non-continuous texts on intermediate level Writing skills: writing for different work-related purposes Grammar skills: further development of advanced morphological skills Listening: understanding texts on engineering in different German accents

Acquired competences:

The students’ German skills will be sufficient for the level of training, and to understand engineering texts, to process professional texts, to carry out professional tasks, as well as for continuous professional development. The students know the vocabulary and special terms of the engineering profession in the Hungarian and German languages at least on the basic level.


The students can communicate in Hungarian and in German about professional issues, they use the terms of engineering in a creative way.


The students are open to acquire new methods in engineering and develop skills to use them.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

The students feel responsible for their part in the engineering project work: analysis, development, and operation, both individually and as part of a team.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
Continuous assessment during the semester: The grades are obtained based on points acquired during the semester by completing the following tasks: active participation in the lesson, presentation on an engineering topic, vocabulary tests, writing an exam paper consisting of vocabulary and grammar tasks. Exam criteria: Students complete the course by acquiring at least 50% of the maximum number of points (100 points). The grades are awarded according to the Learning and Exam Regulations of the John von Neumann University.
Exam requirements:

A hallgatóknak a maximálisan szerezhető 100 pontból összesen legalább 50 pontot kell szerezni a szóbeli kommunikációs feladatok, a két írásbeli dolgozat és a prezentáció pontszámait összegezve.

Study aids, laboratory background:

A tanár által kiadott nyomtatott és digitális anyagok megtalálhatók a Coospace-ben.

Compulsory readings:

Dominekné Nagyhegyesi Mónika: Übungsbuch für zukünftige Ingenieure Teil 2 (2021) PONS Bürokommunikation Deutsch (2023) ISBN: 3125624657

Recommended readings:

Maria Steinmetz, Heiner Dintera: Deutsch für Ingenieure 2. Auflage (2018) ISBN: 3658197684 Rosemarie Buhlmann, Anneliese Fearns:Technisches Deutsch für Ausbildung und Beruf (2013) ISBN: 3808573090 Kärchner-Ober, Benkwitz, Forßmann: Deutsch für Ingenieure Hueber Verlag 2017 ISBN-13: 978-3197074757