Course title, code: Mechatronic planning, GAGEBAN-MECHATRT-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+0+2
Credits: 4
Theory: 50 %
Practice: 50 %
Recommended semester: 6
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: term mark
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Piros István Attila
Course objectives:
Design of a complex mechatronic system. Using the fields of mechatronics, mechanical engineering, computer science, electronics. Mechanical engineering: design and selection of static and dynamic structures. Using the knowledge acquired in Mechanics, Mechanical Components, Pneumatic Control and Hydraulic Control. In the field of computer science: selection of a controller for the operation of the target machine created, in particular a PLC, and writing the program required to operate the machine using the control unit selected. Selection of electrical components
Course content - lectures:

Classes 1. Characteristics of mechatronic systems. 2. Models, modelling. General characteristics of assembly and machining machines. 3. Types of actuators. Possibilities of implementing movements by mechanism. Pneumatic and hydraulic manipulation systems. Implementations with work rollers in 3D. 4. Elements serving the workstation. Conveyor and lifting equipment, vibrating feeders. Systems for workpiece orientation and gripping. 5. Selection of drive units. 6. Machining target machine equipment. Drilling units, feeders. 7. Detailed design of the task. 8. Assembly of target machines. Feeders, manipulators, grippers. 9. Screwing, riveting and gluing equipment. 10. Skeletal structures of target machines. Presentation of assembled 3D assembly. Elements of inspection, measurement, classification. Application of VEM method. 11. Dimensioning of critical elements. Drawing documentation. 12. Simulating assemblies, movement of structures. 13. Making presentations. Summarising and evaluating results.

Course content - labs:

Classes 1. Characteristics of mechatronic systems. 2. Models, modelling. General characteristics of assembly and machining machines. 3. Types of actuators. Possibilities of implementing movements by mechanism. Pneumatic and hydraulic manipulation systems. Implementations with work rollers in 3D. 4. Elements serving the workstation. Conveyor and lifting equipment, vibrating feeders. Systems for workpiece orientation and gripping. 5. Selection of drive units. 6. Machining target machine equipment. Drilling units, feeders. 7. Detailed design of the task. 8. Assembly of target machines. Feeders, manipulators, grippers. 9. Screwing, riveting and gluing equipment. 10. Skeletal structures of target machines. Presentation of assembled 3D assembly. Elements of inspection, measurement, classification. Application of VEM method. 11. Dimensioning of critical elements. Drawing documentation. 12. Simulating assemblies, movement of structures. 13. Making presentations. Summarising and evaluating results.

Acquired competences:

The student knows the terminology, key concepts and theories related to their field.


Ability to identify routine professional problems and to identify, formulate and solve (using standard operations in practice) the theoretical and practical background required to solve them.


It assumes and authentically represents the social role of its profession and its fundamental relationship with the world.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

The student has the ability to plan mechatronical systems alone.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:
During the semester, the students will receive 1. They will write 1 50-point 45-minute paper during the lecture period and 1 assignment to be handed in during the semester, the teacher will monitor the degree of completion of the assignment. The assignment will be worth 50 points. The final score will be the sum of the essay and assignment scores, but these must be at least 25 points each, otherwise the performance will be unsatisfactory. In the last lecture of the semester, it is possible to correct or make up the final paper and to correct the assignment.
Exam requirements:


Study aids, laboratory background:

Practice aids uploaded to Neptun and Teams

Compulsory readings:

[1] Horváth Péter: A mechatronika alapjai. HEFOP 3.3.1. kiadvány, 2006 [2] R.Isermann: Mechatronic Systems Fundamental, Springer-Verlag UK,2005 [3] Gulyás István: Megmunkálógépek pótlólagos automatizálása, Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1978.

Recommended readings: