Course title, code: Computer aided design, GAGEBAN-SZAMTERV-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 1+0+2
Credits: 3
Theory: 33 %
Practice: 67 %
Recommended semester: 3
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: term mark
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Piros István Attila
Course objectives:
To give student a basic usable knowledge about CAD softwares.
Course content - lectures:

1. Hardware devices. CAD software. System installation, configuration. Classification, comparison and presentation of design systems. 2. Spatial visualisation techniques. Spatial modelling. Elements of body modelling. Setting up views, modifying editing planes. Creating a model from body primitives. 3. Spatial modelling. Parametric, basic property based body modelling systems. Sketch-based shape features. 4. Modification of building blocks. Representation options. Dressing-based shape features. 5. Complex modelling exercise I 6. Complex modelling exercise II. 7. Drawing documentation of the model. Role of template drawing. Elements of drafting. Properties of drawing elements. 8. Scaling system variables, scaling styles, associative scaling. Scaling commands. Editing and updating scaling. 9. Data transfer options, drawing exchange file. 10. Parameterisation options. Conversion introductory exercise. 11. Making assemblies, welded assemblies, design in assembly mode, documentation. 12. Introduction to additional design modules. Exam II. 13. Extra exam.

Course content - labs:

Acquired competences:

Interpret, characterise and model the structural design of engineering systems the structure and functioning of the units and elements of the systems, the the design and interconnection of the systems.


The ability to apply the acquired IT skills in the solution of tasks in their field of expertise.


Make decisions in complex or unexpected decision-making situations, taking full account of legal and ethical standards.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

Responsibly upholds and represents the values of the engineering profession, and is open to professionally informed critical comments.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:

Exam requirements:

Study aids, laboratory background:

Compulsory readings:

Recommended readings: