Course title, code: Materials Engineering, GAGEBAN-ANYAGIG2-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of classes per week (lectures+seminars+labs): 2+0+2
Credits: 4
Theory: 50 %
Practice: 50 %
Recommended semester: 2
Study mode: full-time
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Farkas Attila Ferenc
Instructor(s): Johanyák Edit
Course objectives:
The aim of the Materials Science G2 course is for students to understand the possibilities of altering the mechanical properties of metallic materials, setting the most suitable values for practical use, and performing material selection for components.
Course content - lectures:

Equilibrium and non-equilibrium microstructures of steels, properties. The effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of steels (quenching, tempering, normalizing, annealing). The effect of carbon content on the properties of steels. The effect of alloying and impurity elements. The effect of cold working on the mechanical properties of metals. Examination of hardening, its metallurgical explanation. Classification and designation system of steels. General-purpose machine steels, weldable steels, fine sheet steels for forming purposes. Refinable steels, spring steels, nitridable steels. Heat treatment of refinable steels. Surface hardening. Insert-hardened steels. Corrosion-resistant, acid-resistant, and heat-resistant steels. Characteristics, designation, role of alloys, material selection, and heat treatment of cold-working, hot-working, plastic-forming tool steels, and high-speed steels. Classification of cast irons, characterization of microstructure. Non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Light metals and their alloys. Composites, ceramics.

Course content - labs:

Acquired competences:

Comprehensively understands the basic facts, directions, and limits of the technical field. Knows the general and specific mathematical, natural, and social science principles, rules, relationships, and procedures necessary for practicing the technical field. At the applied level, knows the requirements and expectations of work and fire safety, security technology, and occupational health in relation to their field, as well as relevant environmental regulations. Comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals, limits, and requirements of logistical, management, environmental, quality assurance, information technology, legal, and economic areas associated with mechanical engineering.


Capable of identifying routine professional problems, uncovering the theoretical and practical background necessary to solve them, formulating and solving them (with the practical application of standard operations). Able to understand and use characteristic literature, computational, and library resources of their field. Capable of directing and controlling technical manufacturing processes while keeping elements of quality assurance and quality control in mind. Able to diagnose mechanical failures, select corrective operations, and solve repair tasks. Capable of applying and enforcing safety, fire safety, and hygiene rules and regulations during work.


In complex or unexpected decision-making situations, makes decisions taking into full account legal regulations and ethical norms. Possesses appropriate perseverance and monotony tolerance for performing practical activities. Open and receptive to new, modern, and innovative procedures and methods related to ecological management and health awareness. Adheres to and enforces relevant safety, health, environmental, quality assurance, and control requirements during work.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

Identifies shortcomings in applied technologies, risks in processes, and initiates measures to reduce them. Keeps track of legal, technical, technological, and administrative changes related to the field. Under the guidance of workplace leaders, directs the work of assigned personnel, supervises the operation of machinery and equipment. Shares experiences with colleagues, thereby assisting in their development. Takes responsibility for technical analyses and proposals formulated based on them.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:

Exam requirements:

Study aids, laboratory background:

Compulsory readings: Balla Sándor, …: Anyagismeret (2012), 74-150 old. Balla Sándor, …: Járműszerkezeti anyagok és technológiák I (2012), 1-73 old.Dr. Végvári Ferenc: Gépipari technológiák II. Hőkezelés H-303, Kecskemét, 1999.Dr. Szabadits Ödön: Acélok, öntöttvasak, MSZT Szabványkiadó, Bp. 2005.Dr. Smóling Kálmán: Szerkezeti acélok kézikönyve MSZ Szabványkiadó Bp. 1988.Dr. Smóling Kálmán: Szerszámacélok kézikönyve MSZ Szabványkiadó Bp. 1988.

Recommended readings: