Course title, code: Hydrodynamics, GAGEBAN-ARAMLAST-1
Presentation of the most basic concepts, laws and methods of description of stagnant and flowing liquids and gases. Typing, modeling and introducing the solution processes of real systems in technical practice. The student knows the general and specific mathematical, natural and social science principles, rules, connections and procedures required for the cultivation of vehicles and mobile machines. Able to identify routine professional problems, model technical systems and processes, explore and formulate the theoretical and practical background needed to solve them (using practical operations in practice).
Stationary liquids and gases: Physical characteristics of liquids and gases. Pascal's law. Compressibility of liquids. The force field of difficulty and inertia. Behavior of the resting fluid. The free surface of the liquid. Fluid pressure in gravity field. Archimedes' law. The fluid is in an inertial force field. Tension in the pipe wall. Flow of frictionless liquids and gases: Description of flowing liquids. Average speed, volume flow, mass flow. The continuity theorem. Power requirement for flow. The amount of motion and the Euler equation. The Bernoulli equation and its technical applications: Pitot tube, Prandtl tube. Venturi, water air pump, liquid spray. Momentum and its application to fluid contained in a stream tube. The force of the free jet on a plane. The flat-bladed water wheel, the Pelton wheel. Flow of frictional liquids and gases: Internal friction. Newton's law of viscosity. The Reynolds experiment and the Reynolds number. Layered and billowing flow. Boundary layer theory. Slip on oil film. The unloaded plain bearing. Layered flow in a cylindrical tube: the Hagen-Poiseuille law. Friction loss of billowing flow in cylindrical tube: surface roughness, tube friction factor. Forces acting on circulating solids. Elements of wing aerodynamics. Movement of ships in the water. Similarity of flows. Numerical finite-element methods of fluid dynamics.
Course content - seminars:
Have a comprehensive knowledge of the basic facts, trends and limits of the subject area of engineering. Knowledge of the general and specific mathematical, scientific and social principles, rules, contexts and procedures necessary for the operation of the field of engineering.
Ability to apply the most important terminology, theories and procedures of the technical discipline in the performance of related tasks. Ability to identify routine technical problems and to identify, formulate and solve (using standard operations in practice) the theoretical and practical background required to solve them.
Applies his/her acquired technical knowledge to gain the best possible understanding of observable phenomena and to describe and explain their laws.
Have an aiming at efficient and quality work.
Mid-term study requirements:
Semester requirements: Writing four short papers at lectures at unannounced times. A pocket calculator can be used for dissertation writing, as well as a flat, double-sided (A4 size) collection of formulas in your own handwriting (not photocopied, not printed). The time available for their elaboration is 15-20 minutes, their score is 10-15 points, so the maximum that can be obtained is F = 50. These papers cannot be replaced or repaired. There is no score requirement for admission to the exam. Examination requirements: Writing an exam paper (50 points). Score obtained with mid-semester tests (F) 50 points Score obtained with exam (V) 50 points P point is calculated from F test-points and V exam-points by: P=106,5-sqrt(125*(50,3125-F-V+F*V/50)) Grade is determined based on P score points in accordance with the current study regulations.
Exam requirements:
Downloadable resources.
Y. A. Cengel, J. M. Cimbala: Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, 2006, ISBN 0–07–247236–7 (web:
C. Pozrikidis: Fluid Dynamics. Springer Verlag, 2009. (ISBN 978-1-4899-7990-2)