Course title, code: Machine Elements AII , GAGEBAL-GEPELEM2-2

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of semester consultation hours: 16
Credits: 4
Theory: 0 %
Practice: 0 %
Recommended semester: 4
Study mode: correspondence
Prerequisites: Gépelemek I.
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Piros István Attila
Course objectives:
The lectures will introduce students to the methodology of designing gear drives and couplings. In the exercises, the students will learn the methodology of gearbox design by working on an independent task.
Course content:

Acquired competences:

Comprehensive knowledge of the operating principles and structural units of the machines, power tools, mechanical equipment and tools used.


Ability to understand and use the literature specific to their field, computer and library resources.


Open to learn about, embrace and authentically communicate professional, technological development and innovation in engineering.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

Comprehensive knowledge of the operating principles and structural units of the machines, power tools, mechanical equipment and tools used.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:

Exam requirements:

Study aids, laboratory background:

Compulsory readings:

Recommended readings: