Course title, code: Mechatronic planning, GAGEBAL-MECHATRT-1
The student knows the terminology, key concepts and theories related to their field.
Ability to identify routine professional problems and to identify, formulate and solve (using standard operations in practice) the theoretical and practical background required to solve them.
It assumes and authentically represents the social role of its profession and its fundamental relationship with the world.
The student has the ability to plan mechatronical systems alone.
Mid-term study requirements:
Exam requirements:
Neptun és Teams-re feltöltött gyakorlati segédanyagok
[1] Horváth Péter: A mechatronika alapjai. HEFOP 3.3.1. kiadvány, 2006 [2] R.Isermann: Mechatronic Systems Fundamental, Springer-Verlag UK,2005 [3] Gulyás István: Megmunkálógépek pótlólagos automatizálása, Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1978.