Course title, code: Heat Measurement, GAGEBAL-HOARAGEP-1

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of semester consultation hours: 8
Credits: 2
Theory: 100 %
Practice: 0 %
Recommended semester: 5
Study mode: correspondence
Prerequisites: Általános géptan
Evaluation type: exam
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Tóth László
Course objectives:
Students will learn about the groups of thermal and electrical machines, detailed descriptions of some types, their operation, operation, design methodology and basic elements.
Course content:

Acquired competences:

- On the basis of the acquired knowledge, students are able to design and operate refrigeration machines, to design and operate internal combustion engines and pumps independently and in teams.- Ability to diagnose mechanical failures, to select the remedial actions, to solve repair technology tasks. - Ability to apply the most important terminology, theories and procedures in the field of engineering when carrying out related tasks - Ability to understand and use the literature, computer and library resources specific to the field - Open to the knowledge, acceptance and authentic communication of professional and technological developments and innovations in engineering


Understand, characterise and model the structure and function of the components and elements of mechanical systems, the design and interrelationship of the systems used. Knowledge of the terminology, key concepts and theories related to his/her field of specialisation.


Using his/her acquired technical knowledge, he/she strives to understand the observable phenomena as thoroughly as possible, to describe and explain their laws.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

It identifies the shortcomings of the technologies used, the risks of the processes and initiates measures to reduce them.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:

Exam requirements:

The exam is a written exam, one set of 100 questions. The mark will be determined in accordance with the TVSZ. The written result may be improved by one mark by oral examination.

Study aids, laboratory background:

Resources on TEAMS.

Compulsory readings:

Hő- és áramlástechnikai gépek segédlet I-III. Ezek A TEAMS felületen lesznek elérhetők.

Recommended readings:

1. Dezsényi Gy., Emőd J., Finichiu L.: Belsőégésű motorok tervezése és vizsgálata. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1999. 2. Füzy O.: Áramlástechnikai gépek. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1990. 3. Pattantyús Á. G.: A gépek üzemtana (14. lényegesen átdogozott és bővített kiadása). Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1983. 4. Jakab Z.: Kompresszoros hűtés I., II. Magyar Mediprint Szakkiadó Kft. 2000.