Course title, code: Machine Elements AI, GAGEBAL-GEPELEM1-2

Name and type of the study programme: Computer science engineering, BSc
Curriculum: 2021
Number of semester consultation hours: 16
Credits: 4
Theory: 0 %
Practice: 0 %
Recommended semester: 3
Study mode: correspondence
Prerequisites: Műszaki ábrázolás GJ
Evaluation type: term mark
Course category:
Language: english
Responsible instructor: Dr. Piros István Attila
Course objectives:
During the lectures, students will learn about the most commonly used types of machine elements, their design aspects and sizing procedures. They will apply this knowledge in the labs when solving computational problems.
Course content:

Acquired competences:

1. be able to interpret, characterise and model the design and operation of the structural units and elements of mechanical systems, the design and interconnection of the systems used, 2. be able to apply the principles and methods of calculation and modelling in mechanical engineering design, 3. be able to construct simple mechanical models (with the necessary abstractions and neglections), 4. be able to carry out geometric and basic strength design of simple sliding and rolling bearings, 5. be able to determine the service life of rolling bearing arrangements, select the lubricant required, choose the appropriate bearing for a simple design, 6. be able to select, size and check joints (including shaft joints) and fasteners of the most important materials, forces and shapes, 7. be able to check the strength of shafts, select design dimensions for static loading 8. be able to independently study literature (including Internet sources), use catalogues and design aids, 9. using the above (and incorporating knowledge from other subjects), be able to carry out simple design tasks, including documentation and interpretation of technical drawings.


1. know the most elementary methods and procedures of mechanical engineering and design methodology, 2. be familiar with the phenomenon of fatigue, the principles of design for repetitive loading, the main methods of traditional (safety factor based) and new design procedures, the main principles of design and checking of machinery structures, 3. be familiar with the main types of joints and fasteners, their principle of operation, their forces, selection, sizing and checking methods, 4. know the main characteristics and operating principles of the various types of plain and roller bearings, 5. know the typical failure modes of plain and roller bearings, their causes and the countermeasures to avoid them, 6. be familiar with the design, sizing and inspection methods of welded frame structures, including fatigue and deflection testing


1. collaborate with the instructor and fellow students in the development of knowledge, 2. expands his/her knowledge through continuous learning, 3. is open to the use of information technology tools, 4. strives to solve problems accurately and without errors.

Autonomy and responsibilities:

1. independently think through design problems and/or problems to be solved for simple mechanical structures and solve them on the basis of given sources, integrating and using knowledge acquired previously or in parallel in other subjects, 2. is open to reasoned critical comments, 3. applies a systematic and complex approach (taking into account as many aspects as possible) in his/her thinking, 4. carries out his/her work with the responsibility and conscientiousness of a (future) engineer.

Additional professional competences:

Requirements, evaluation, grading:
Mid-term study requirements:

Exam requirements:

Study aids, laboratory background:

Compulsory readings:

Recommended readings: